You can carve out your journey of success, empowerment and self-love.

—Camila Duarte

All my life & challenges inspired FoundHer

Years ago, I was stuck in a job that didn’t fulfill me. I was burned out and conflicted. I neglected my health, family, and friends. How could I leave a job that represented the "maximum accomplishment" in my life—externally, at least!?

For the last seven or eight years of my professional career, I went into opportunities out of fear of not finding something. I was following the generational fear I grew up with. I thought there was no way I could live up to my dreams. I went into corporate, nonprofit, and startups and tried it all. 

I also felt, deep down, that the things I enjoyed the most in all my jobs were working with and for people, helping them achieve their potential, supporting them and making them feel capable. I have always liked true connections, and my passion lies in supporting people. And I'd asked myself: why am I not fully happy if I am moving up in my career? Why do I want to focus on helping people and forget the rest? 

For the longest time, many days felt like a struggle, and I knew I wanted more out of life. I wanted to make a bigger impact and find true fulfillment, but I was scared of believing 100% in my passion and skills and putting them to work. 

That’s when life helped me and pushed me to make the hardest and biggest decision: would I keep trying to go the same route (the easy, comfortable way) OR believe in myself once and for all and launch my business full-time? 

At first, I was hesitant. 

But I decided to try it, and so far, it has been liberating yet scary, but finally, I feel I am IN THE RIGHT PLACE. This has been my true purpose, and I am betting on myself, finally! 

I want to share with you that I am The Founder and CEO of FoundHer. A space for people to find themselves. To embrace transformation. To dare to live up to their dreams. I want to help women to live confidently and remove the limiting mental barriers we all have at some point. My business is a coaching, learning and mentoring space for people who want more out of their lives. For those who are courageous enough to say: I want to live without fear and won’t tolerate “good enough.” 

FoundHer is dedicated to people who look for 1:1 career coaching and life coaching. FoundHer is for organizations that want to invest in their employees and bring a growth mindset to their teams and culture. FoundHer is for people who wish to understand themselves better or feel better and don't know how. FoundHer is for people who are about to retire and have no idea who they are without their jobs. FoundHer is a large, evolving vision with many tools to support people. FoundHer is an umbrella for services with one and only objective: help people feel better about themselves so they can be better in their worlds. 

With Gratitude,

Camila Duarte

My values

Social Good

I intend to have the most significant positive impact on individuals and society.

Intellectual Challenge

My drive comes from my endless curiosity to learn new and better things to help others.


I look for harmony and uniqueness in everyone I interact and work with. I believe we all have something unique to offer.

Leadership & Independence

I strive for independence. I want to lead to empower, support and grow an enlightened community of fearless women.

In our sessions

We will use the FoundHer Empowerment Journey method, which helps you discover where you are & where you want to be.
When you allow yourself to reflect, heal and be vulnerable, you can reconcile with your mind, body and soul.
You will allow the best version of yourself to come out effortlessly in every aspect of your life: love, family, self-acceptance, career and so on.
FoundHer will help you discover how to start a path full of joy, peace and, most importantly, SELF-LOVE.

Collaborating with FoundHer

I offer workshops, seminars and vibrant networking sessions or groups in non-profit, corporate and independent settings:

⇢Networking with intention.

⇢Business/Career and Life Coaching.

⇢Building resilience.

⇢Business and life confidence.

⇢Self-love and self-acceptance.

⇢Resume and cover letter building with results.

⇢Time management (for those who want to do it all!).

⇢FoundHer works with non-profit and for-profit organizations on employee coaching and work culture.