“It is a beautiful experience being with ourselves at a level of complete acceptance. When that begins to happen, when you give up resistance and need to be perfect, a peace will come over you as you have never known.”

— Ruth Fishel

Life Coaching - Personal Development (Self and Career)

What to expect in our coaching sessions?

FoundHer will help you discover how to start a path full of joy, peace and, most importantly, SELF-LOVE.

We will use the FoundHer Empowerment Journey method, which helps you discover where you are & where you want to be.

  • You get weekly 1-on-1 coaching sessions with me depending on the number of sessions we work on.

  • I'll send you training tests, videos and worksheets that teach you the skill sets you need to succeed. And I'll be there the entire way to provide feedback and coaching as you implement the things you learn.

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During Our Time Together...

I’ll help you develop a number of tools and strategies that will help to train your brain to live the life you want to live while getting rid of what doesn’t serve you!

⤑From dreamer to the maker.

⤑From confusion to clarity.

⤑From scattered to inspired.

⤑From hopeless to hopeful.

⤑From self-loather to self-compassion.

⤑From worried to confident on your new path of growth.

For Forward Thinking

Corporate and Educational Organizations

  • FoundHer Essentials Package

    Building a Growth Mindset

    One Time Fee

    This foundational package introduces corporate teams to the power of mindset transformation. It is designed to inspire employees to break through their mental barriers, fostering a culture of resilience and growth.

  • FoundHer Executive Package

    FoundHer Executive Package:

    Self-Confidence & Leadership Transformation

    Monthly Retainer

    This comprehensive package is tailored for executives and leadership teams. It emphasizes self-confidence, emotional intelligence, and personal growth. This package helps leaders build strong self-awareness, leading to better decision-making, emotional regulation, and healthier relationships with their teams.

  • FoundHer Transformation Package

    Organizational Growth & Personal Development

    Six-month Commitment

    This transformative package is designed for corporate organizations looking to implement long-lasting cultural shifts. It focuses on building a culture of empowerment, resilience, and personal development across all company levels.

Featured Service

Featured Service

A discovery call with FoundHer is the first step to gaining clarity and confidence in your retirement journey. During this personalized conversation, we will explore your unique concerns, fears, and aspirations surrounding retirement. Whether you're unsure of what life looks like beyond your career or struggling to rediscover your passions after years of being a full-time professional, this call will help you understand how FoundHer’s coaching can guide you to retire under your own terms.

What to expect in our collaborations?


I offer workshops, seminars and vibrant networking sessions or groups in a non-profit, corporate and independent settings:

  • Strategies and purposeful in building professional relationships.

  • FoundHer will guide you to identify and achieve your personal and professional goals by providing support, and practical strategies.

  • FoundHer will help individuals build self-assurance and assertiveness in their personal and professional lives, by identifying limiting beliefs and negative self-talk and providing tools and strategies to overcome them.

  • FoundHer will help individuals cultivate a positive and compassionate relationship with themselves, by fostering self-awareness, promoting self-care, and providing tools and techniques to overcome self-doubt and negative self-talk.

  • FoundHer will assist job seekers in creating effective and impactful job application documents, by highlighting their skills, achievements, and experience in a compelling and professional manner, resulting in an increased chance of securing job interviews and ultimately job offers.

  • For those who want to do it all!

    FoundHer will help individuals and organizations optimize their use of time by identifying and prioritizing tasks, developing effective planning and scheduling strategies, and implementing tools and techniques to maximize productivity and achieve their goals efficiently.

  • FoundHer provides a service for non-profit and for-profit organizations that focuses on employee coaching and work culture, by offering tailored programs to help teams and individuals develop key skills, enhance collaboration, and foster a positive and productive work environment, resulting in improved employee engagement, retention, and performance.

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