


Whether you are a forward-thinking organization, a person looking for a new career/life path or about to retire and don’t know how to live the life you want, you are in the RIGHT PLACE!

Self-discovery + Guidance=

⤑ Space for living that life you have dreamed of for so long

⤑ Space for your personal life and wellbeing

If you are here, it's probably because you feel stuck. You have tried so many things over social media; you have watched youtube videos and read many self-help books without any lasting change.

I am guessing you are looking for purpose, passion and direction. You are not wrong! In the end, that is what we live for. You may also want your journey to be meaningful, creating space for your desired work-life balance and being comfortable with who you are.

So welcome! You are in the right place! A place I treasure because I have dedicated my life to finding purpose, self-love and calm. We are on the same page.

The Problem Is…

You know that for this to happen, you need to get up to speed on all the skills to align yourself and get rid of your limiting beliefs: 

I can’t do it,’ ‘I have too much on my plate, there is no good time,’ ‘I should wait until X, Y, Z,’ etc. 

It is stressful! ‘I don’t know how to do it’ You know it is fear, but the fear of failing to live your dreams may paralyze you!

You’ve got great ideas in the works but still feel unclear, unfocused and cluttered with that first step. You suspect that something is blocking you. You know you can turn your vision into action, but you can’t take action! You have constant hateful thoughts and self-loathing with no idea how to bring self-compassion.  

You know you need to figure out the WHY of your fear to kick-start your growth and real change.

You’re worried about not having enough time to work on yourself while doing all the rest of your life admin and other personal responsibilities.

It’s not like you haven’t tried to figure things out alone. You have! But now you feel like you are behind – spinning your wheels and stuck in your head – instead of making progress. Trust me, I know! Figuring out the genuine fears, the whys of your life, and the following steps to take action can be nerve-racking and stressful!

So You Might Find Yourself...

Waiting for something, for a sign falling from the sky.

Or, rethinking and redoing things repeatedly because it doesn’t feel right or is not working…

Or avoiding social activities altogether because you don’t know who you are or don’t like this version you see every day in front of the mirror…

Or maybe you are stressed out by a to-do list packed with ideas you heard on podcasts…leaving you feeling scattered and dreaming of being another woman who can ‘actually’ go for it and dear to dream BIG!

You’re worried about not having enough time to work on yourself while doing all the rest of your life admin and other personal responsibilities.

The Truth is that You Don’t Need

✕ A better skillset

✕ Another body OR brain

✕ an IG influencer to tell you how to live,

✕ Or change who you are!



You need to consistently bring daily practices to your life that add to your day and don't let you feeling worse.

Even if someone handed the perfect life plan

It wouldn’t change things unless you understand yourself first. 

Why? Because you are missing the right step-by-step process, you need to make these things work for you.
This is the best news.
You don’t have to search for a magic ticket to success. You just have to focus on what you can control and learn how to BE proactive in your brain and manage life better. 
Once you know this real toolkit and strategies, you’ll be able to be yourself with EASE.

Guess What!?

I went through all that and made all the mistakes possible.

I’m Camila, a PURPOSE-DRIVEN Founder! 

I was once like you - feeling lost and doubtful of who I was and where I was going. I was insecure and feeling sick. I had to work hard to understand that there is no such thing as ‘failure’ – only opportunities to learn. Once I opened the door to vulnerability and started my self-discovery path, I discovered who I was and accepted my reality, leading me to find my WHY and become a Life and Career Coach! It was my dream all along, and now I am living it.
I am a certified Life and Career Coach whose mission is to help YOU connect to your Super Power from within. 
That power we all women have but often is hidden because of our fears, limiting beliefs, past trauma or society’s pressures. 
I aim to build the biggest community of strong, like-minded, confident women worldwide. 
I want YOU to discover your Higher Self, find the path you may have lost, love yourself and discover the potential you have had all along. The wait is over to start living an extraordinary life!
I found my WHY and live aligned with my Higher Self daily. I use my Super Power from within and cannot wait to help you welcome and discover your authentic self.

I'll walk with you, question by question, as you follow a simple 7-step process:

During Our Time Together...

I’ll help you develop several tools and strategies that will help to train your brain to live the life you want to live while getting rid of what doesn’t serve you!

From dreamer to the maker.

From confusion to clarity.

From scattered to inspired.

From hopeless to hopeful.

From self-loather to self-compassion.

Here's How the Program is Delivered:

  • Private Coaching Sessions

    You get weekly 1-on-1 coaching sessions with me depending of the number of sessions we work on.

  • Coach on Call

    You can ask me any question, any time, during the work week via email. I’ll review your work, give you feedback, and coach you through anything that comes up in between calls so you’re never stuck on your own. It has your coach at your fingertips

  • Helpful Training Videos and Worksheets

    I'll send you training tests, videos and worksheets that teach you the skill sets you need to succeed. And I'll be there the entire way to provide feedback and coaching as you implement what you learn.

Reasons to Say Yes Now

You’ll stop wasting time - which translates into a lot of wasted money, trying to figure out that one thing that won’t work for you.

You’ll stop analysis paralysis, finally get clear, make decisions, and then get into the action plan.

You’ll get out of your head - you’ll feel confident because you now have the skill sets to carry your life forward and reach whatever goal you have in the future.

You’ll stop procrastinating - enrolling in a program gives you the structure you need to focus, gain clarity, create, dream big and realize your goals - no excuses, no procrastination, just intentional and meaningful action!

You’ll benefit for years to come - busting limiting beliefs, gaining the right life mindsets and learning how to get in a better flow will impact more than you ever thought possible.

You get out of your auto-pilot brain that has been there for your entire life, telling you how you 'should' be living instead of living it!

How much will your life, goals, and dreams be worth?

How happy, at ease, confident and equipped for your life would you feel if you had the proper step-by-step support to reach mindset freedom and confidence?